Yes, despite of my very long silence I am still alive and kicking. I have so much to show and tell but I won´t be sharing it all in this one post. More updates will follow if my computer will cooperate with me (still in the process of getting a new one!). The biggest news is that I sold Nekome. As much as I love the sculpt, I came to the conclusion that the SD-size is not for me. They are way too big and heavy for my hands and for that reason it was off-putting to even look at her. I am more comfortable with the smaller dolls and from now on anything bigger than 40 cm is definitely a no-no.
The next thing is that I have put Mimi - Pipos Baha cat - for sale. If you are interested in her, just send me a message to and I will give you further details.
I am also considering selling my Blythe Pumpkin. She is nice, but I am not doing much with her after all. Not sure about what to do yet but my main focus and interest at the moment is the greenhouse diorama. My hands are perfectly full with that and after it´s finished, I can start learning how to take pretty pictures of Lyra in her own environment.
However, I do have plans on getting one new doll as a combined Christmas/ birthday present for myself. Again, I will not tell you what it might be but it´s a doll I have loved from the first days of my doll hobby.
Some random updates: I re-did Stella´s faceup and she got an exquisite knitted wool cardigan from Junipa.
Stella´s new faceup |
Cardigan made by Junipa |