5 Mar 2016

No more Miss No-Name

My Blythe had been Miss No-Name for a while, but one day she was ready to tell it to me. The nameless little doll became:


Here you can see a little closer the blue eye chips I painted.
I wasn´t satisfied on her lips so I re-painted them.

A close-up of the green chips too!

The hair was crazy long and very difficult to keep untangled, so I gathered my courage and shorten it a bit for starters. I have actually talked to my local hairdresser to cut it to the final length and she was willing to help me. It turned out that she likes dolls very much too, and she has her own small collection of antique ones. What a coincidence! Naturally I´ll give you a full report about our trip to beauty salon when the time comes. ;)

New hair length

Oh, I totally forgot to show you the sleepy eyes charm that I added during the custom process. She got a blue string and a cloudberry!

The cloudberry is made of polymer clay


  1. Pumpkin is a great name for her :3 I think it suits color-wise and aren't all Blythes & Pullips like little pumpkin-heads? Ahaha~
    Also I just noticed she has lovely highlights in her hair!
    You can try some hair conditioner for humans but leave it in for an extended time, maybe? That tends to work well on plastic hair ~
    OMG a cloudberry! I really hope I can try one of the real ones one day (Finland has so many interesting berries!)

    1. You are absolutely right! The size of her head was one of the reasons why the name Pumpkin suited her so well, as well as her hair is similar colour too. The highlights were the thing I set my eyes on to begin with. Do you think a hair conditioner would tame most of the frizzyness? It tends to stick up if I comb it, and I have to stroke it down to look sleek.
      In my mind cloudberries are more pretty to look than to eat, but of course worth to try nevertheless. They tend to be bitter to my taste, whereas raspberries and strawberries are much more sweet.
